As a professional wedding photographer it is very important to me that I receive training and inspiration from the very best. I believe that my clients deserve to be provided with timeless images that can be enjoyed now and for many years to come.
While I admire the work of many industry leaders, I especially appreciate the work of Jerry Ghionis,, who is considered one of the top five best wedding photographers in the world. Based in Las Vegas and Melbourne, Australia, he has been photographing weddings for over twenty years and is the most awarded photographer of the industry leading professional organization, WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photographers International).
I have completed several training courses with with Jerry and his wonderful wife, Melissa: Nashville "How to Wow" workshop, Week long seminar in Miami, FL, a week long master class in Bydapest, Hungary and a training conference with him at Las Vegas during the WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographer International) conference. During these seminars I receive training on a variety of subjects to include lighting, posing, photography skills, as well as one-on-one critiques from Jerry daily. Those days all normally lasted from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm and are intensive to say the least. I also trained with a local Parisian photographer, Michael Planson, while I was in Paris and it was incredible!
Please enjoy some of these images below from my seminars in Miami and Las Vegas as well as a few photos I took while in Budapest and Paris! Rest assured that when you choose Wallflower, I will always work hard to be the very best and provide you images which you will treasure now and in the years to come.